

We cherish the resources on the earth and are committed to adapting and mitigating the impact of climate change

Environmental Policy

GHG Management

In response to global net zero, we actively manage greenhouse gas emissions at various production sites and increase the use of renewable energy.

Each plant conducts organizational inventory annually with certification by an external agency and files it in comply with local regulations.

TSRC conducted the Group's annual GHG inventory with certification in accordance with ISO14064-1:2018, and reported the result of the Group's GHG self-inventory in 2022 to the 15th Meeting of the 17th Board of Directors on July 31, 2023, and reported the results of the external verification to the 17th Meeting of 17th Board of Directors.

GHG Emission

TSRC conducts annual organizational greenhouse gas inventories and continuously calculates the carbon footprint for each product.

TSRC GHG Emission

Energy Management

We evaluate and manage energy consumption in all production sites. We have completed energy-intensive equipment inventory and set energy performance work plans and establish energy performance indicators in accordance with ISO 50001 energy management system.

Energy Management

We are committed to ensuring all TSRC plants’ energy use efficiently and improved by the technology of process and replacing energy-intensive equipment.

Energy Comsumption of TSRC Group

Water Resource Management

Our policy of water resources management is water use efficiently, recycling, and careful discharge.
We strive to make effective use of water resource, recycling wastewater generated in the process, care discharge of wastewater, and reduce negative impacts on ecosystems.

Water Use & Recycling

We continue to evaluate the impact of drought due to climate change and take necessary actions to mitigate risk.

The Volume of Recycling Water

Waste Management

We create circular innovation to manage waste with the conceptions of product life cycle and value chain.

Waste Management

In our manufacturing process, we emphasize on the use of non-hazardous raw materials and reduce the generation of waste with higher recycling.

Implementation of Recycled Waste

Environmental Management

We are committed to the environmental protection and set high standards on operation with careful management of air pollution, waste, soil and groundwater pollution generated in the process to reduce environmental impact.

Environmental Management

Our environmental strategy focuses on the process improvement and environmental monitoring in comply with ISO 14001 environmental management system.

Environmental Strategy

Environmental Laws

TSRC is committed to environmental protection responsibility, acquires and identifies the relevant and compliant safety, health, environmental protection, fire protection and energy management related laws and regulations as well as other requirements, and communicates the requirements to the relevant employees and for the personnel execute the work for the Company to follow, under the requirements of complying with laws and regulations to create the realistic environmental performance.

Underground Pipeline Maintenance

TSRC is very concerned about underground pipelines, to continue the execution of pipeline inspection, pipeline drawing updates, emergency response drill, the pipeline risk assessment, and an on-line immediate leak detection system building, we completed the on-line pipeline testing, close potential testing, pipeline pressure testing works to protect the public safety of the citizens neighboring and the operation safety of the working laborers.

Environmental Protection Investment

TSRC continues to purchase products with energy-conservation certification and energy-conservation products, also actively promotes and sets priority to use recycling and reuse products to lower the impact to environment. We introduced the environmental risk and prevention to evaluate and figure out material environmental risk and implement necessary environmental protection investment through the environmental management program.


Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention and Management

Our production sites in mainland China regularly conduct soil and groundwater
monitoring and inspections in accordance with local regulations every year to
confirm no leakage or pollution.

Ecological Conservation

None of our global production sites and offices are protected or rehabilitated habitats, nor are in the six major categories of protected areas or areas of biological diversity regulated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), or genetically diverse regions.
The biological species in the industrial zone are also not listed in the "Red List" and "National Conservation List".

Is that all ?

We not only cared about environmental responsibility, we but also did lots of improvements in social area.
Let’s check what we did.

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